Various units shall compile the drafts of their own budgets and final accounts, turn over budgetary revenues as prescribed by the state, manage the budgetary expenditures, and accept supervision of the relevant departments of the state. 各单位编制本单位预算、决算草案;按照国家规定上缴预算收入,安排预算支出,并接受国家有关部门的监督。
The specific operations shall be prescribed and announced by the banking supervision institution of the State Council in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations. 需要审查批准或者备案的业务品种,由国务院银行业监督管理机构依照法律、行政法规作出规定并公布。
First, will the new medication prescribed by bodies such as the Basel Committee on banking supervision work on the root cause of the crisis? 首先,诸如巴塞尔银行监管委员会之类的机构开出的“新药”会对危机的根源起效吗?
Perfect diligent behavior standard main duty measures include: add to the provisions of the directors subjective mentality, the basic skills requirements prescribed director, improve our directors attending the board meetings of company directors system, emphasized information, clear the supervision duty director. 完善勤勉义务行为标准主要措施包括:增加对董事主观心态的规定,规定董事的基本技能要求,改进我国董事出席董事会会议制度,强调董事对公司信息的获取,明确董事的监督义务等。